Saturday, December 31, 2011

Let's Bring in the New Year!

It's New Years Eve.
How in the world did that happen? Wasn't Corvin just born yesterday? It certainly feels like it! Once you become a parent, time seems to go by faster than you ever could have imagined. In 11 days, Corvin will be 16 months old, Zander's already 2 months old, and it wont be too much longer until Allyn turns 23!

Anyway, today some of my resolutions are just going to have to wait until tomorrow. I still plan on working out and eating right, but I know the amount of beer and liquor I drink tonight will make my calorie count sky rocket. The only good thing about my hangover tomorrow is that I wont want to eat as much, so it'll kind of even out, right? ;)

I don't really plan on doing much to become a better photographer today, definitely not going to worry about wedding planning, my boys will most certainly learn new things and I will definitely NOT be getting pregnant.

My main concerns for today will be cooking a healthy dinner (sounds like we're going to have Chicken Noodle casserole, you can find the recipe here) and attempting to make myself look attractive for tonight. My roots are dyed, my skin is tan-ish, my toes will eventually be painted and make-up will be slabbed on later. Allyn's assistant manager, Andy, hooked us up with VIP bracelets to one of the local bars here in Peoria. I'm looking forward to a drama free New Years Eve. The last 4 NYE celebrations, I've dealt with ridiculous drama. 4 years ago, my best friend Sam was basically attacked by another girl who was incredibly huge and had another girl stomping on her face. 3 years ago, at least 2 of my girl friends were punched in the face by random guys, someone was threatening to beat up Allyn and a friend of mine got a drink dumped all over her for no reason. 2 years ago, Allyn and I fought because I had a fake ID and went out without him for a little while. (oops). Last year, another friend had her purse stolen while she was dancing. So I'm REALLY hoping this year is DRAMA FREE! We'll just have to wait and see I suppose. Wish me luck!

Oh, and just a friendly reminder, NO DRINKING AND DRIVING!! If you need a ride, call 1-800-222-4357. This is the number for AAA. They will give ANYONE, ANYWHERE in the entire country a ride AND take your car back home for you too....FOR FREE!! So please, please save this number. If not for yourself, for a friend who might need it. This year, there are literally NO EXCUSES for drunk driving.

I hope everyone has a fun, safe and happy New Years! :)

Yes, these are my shoes for tonight. Yes, I am aware my feet are going to hate me tomorrow. :) hehe

1 comment:

  1. Your comments about not getting pregnant crack me up. Your little boys are precious! Have lots of fun tonight and stay safe and tomorrow, get back with the program. :) Looking forward to following your progress.

    P.S. LOVE your shoes!
