On Facebook, I'm the leader of a group called The Mommy Club ♥. It's basically a bunch of younger moms who talk about mommy things with one another. Questions like, "when should I start potty training junior?" are asked and cute pictures with the caption, "look at how adorable my baby is!" are posted. It's a great place for advice, opinions and just plain bragging :)
One topic that was brought up yesterday was cosmetic surgery. This is what the post said:
"Soooo have any mommies on here gotten their boobs done? I've been looking into it but wanted some input. I'm alllllll ears :)"
As you would probably guess, many mom's said things like, "I haven't but I want to!" or "I plan on doing it within 5-10 years." I personally would like to get rid of my stretch marks first. I've mentioned before that I've heard you can have laser treatments done to make them vanish. It's a bit spendy but to me it's worth having confidence again and it's worth it to let my own future husband touch and see my belly again. I'm so sensitive about it, it just makes me cringe to have him see me like that. It also remind me about how much I hate how my tummy looks, which just makes me feel bad.
You non-moms may or may not know that having a baby or two can really make your body look...well let's just say different. For ladies like me, it's a little depressing at times. When I was 17, 18, 19 and 20 (well part of my 20th year, I got pregnant when I was 20) I was in great shape. If someone came up to me and said how skinny I was, I wouldn't admit it but I knew. I also knew that after I got pregnant my body wouldn't look the same, and I was prepared for that. Regardless of being prepared and knowing what to expect, I still can't help but look in the mirror and go "bleh."
Anyway, another mommy commented on this particular post and said she did not at all agree with plastic surgery. It teaches our children that they can change their bodies that we helped to create and that isn't right. I can definitely see where she is coming from. We don't need to fit the standards of what society calls "beautiful." I get it. Sometimes what society doesn't understand is that it isn't just about fitting those standards, it's about being comfortable in your own skin. I'll be the first to admit I'm definitely no longer comfortable in my own skin, and I'd really like to change that. As of yesterday, I'm finally 133.4 pounds. I'm thrilled! I really am. I'm working hard to change what I don't like and the weight is coming off. Go me. However, the more weight that melts away reveals the scars of pregnancy, so it's a win-lose situation in a way. Don't get me wrong, I love my children more than anything else in the entire universe. It just sucks that my precious gifts had to destroy my mom's precious gift. haha ;)
Back to what this particular mommy was talking about though. Bad cosmetic surgery for changing the people the parents of the world created. It got me thinking a bit. If she thought it was wrong to make boobs bigger and make stretch marks go away, what about braces? That's technically a form of cosmetic surgery, isn't it? If you REALLY think changing the body is wrong and you don't want to teach your children to do so, don't make their teeth straight with braces. Don't let them get tattoos and you can't get tattoos either because that would just make you a hypocrite. If they need their tonsils removed, TOO BAD! That would change the body you created and that is wrong. Right?
Sorry, I'm being a little mean :/ or I guess as I like to call it, brutally honest.
In the end, I'm really just ranting here. I don't think this is really going to change anyone's mind about plastic surgery being right or wrong, I just wanted to put in my 2 cents :) Feel free to put in yours as well in the comments below or on the link I post to my profile.
Today, I'll leave you with this video. It's not about plastic surgery, but I found it to be along the same lines and mildly entertaining :) Enjoy!
♥ Taber
One topic that was brought up yesterday was cosmetic surgery. This is what the post said:
"Soooo have any mommies on here gotten their boobs done? I've been looking into it but wanted some input. I'm alllllll ears :)"
As you would probably guess, many mom's said things like, "I haven't but I want to!" or "I plan on doing it within 5-10 years." I personally would like to get rid of my stretch marks first. I've mentioned before that I've heard you can have laser treatments done to make them vanish. It's a bit spendy but to me it's worth having confidence again and it's worth it to let my own future husband touch and see my belly again. I'm so sensitive about it, it just makes me cringe to have him see me like that. It also remind me about how much I hate how my tummy looks, which just makes me feel bad.
You non-moms may or may not know that having a baby or two can really make your body look...well let's just say different. For ladies like me, it's a little depressing at times. When I was 17, 18, 19 and 20 (well part of my 20th year, I got pregnant when I was 20) I was in great shape. If someone came up to me and said how skinny I was, I wouldn't admit it but I knew. I also knew that after I got pregnant my body wouldn't look the same, and I was prepared for that. Regardless of being prepared and knowing what to expect, I still can't help but look in the mirror and go "bleh."
Anyway, another mommy commented on this particular post and said she did not at all agree with plastic surgery. It teaches our children that they can change their bodies that we helped to create and that isn't right. I can definitely see where she is coming from. We don't need to fit the standards of what society calls "beautiful." I get it. Sometimes what society doesn't understand is that it isn't just about fitting those standards, it's about being comfortable in your own skin. I'll be the first to admit I'm definitely no longer comfortable in my own skin, and I'd really like to change that. As of yesterday, I'm finally 133.4 pounds. I'm thrilled! I really am. I'm working hard to change what I don't like and the weight is coming off. Go me. However, the more weight that melts away reveals the scars of pregnancy, so it's a win-lose situation in a way. Don't get me wrong, I love my children more than anything else in the entire universe. It just sucks that my precious gifts had to destroy my mom's precious gift. haha ;)
Back to what this particular mommy was talking about though. Bad cosmetic surgery for changing the people the parents of the world created. It got me thinking a bit. If she thought it was wrong to make boobs bigger and make stretch marks go away, what about braces? That's technically a form of cosmetic surgery, isn't it? If you REALLY think changing the body is wrong and you don't want to teach your children to do so, don't make their teeth straight with braces. Don't let them get tattoos and you can't get tattoos either because that would just make you a hypocrite. If they need their tonsils removed, TOO BAD! That would change the body you created and that is wrong. Right?
Sorry, I'm being a little mean :/ or I guess as I like to call it, brutally honest.
In the end, I'm really just ranting here. I don't think this is really going to change anyone's mind about plastic surgery being right or wrong, I just wanted to put in my 2 cents :) Feel free to put in yours as well in the comments below or on the link I post to my profile.
Today, I'll leave you with this video. It's not about plastic surgery, but I found it to be along the same lines and mildly entertaining :) Enjoy!
♥ Taber
I agree with you to a point but I think you did take it a bit far ;) If a kid needs their tonsils out because they have constant strep infections, "cosmetic" has nothing to do with it, nor can you say it's about loving your body. They're causing harm, so they need to go.
ReplyDeleteI don't think cosmetic surgery is inherently bad, but I do think it's important to strongly thing about what you (generic you, not Taber you!) teach your kids & what you say about plastic surgery should you get it as well as WHY you're getting it. Is it because everyone else does? Or because it will make YOU happy and add to the quality of your life? Of course there are a ton of other things to address and you do make a lot of good points! ...but that one paragraph was perhaps a bit harsh in my opinion. Who knows though -- you're entitled to your own!
I am currently planning to have my boobs done in March. I also have 2 children although even if I didn't I would still want this surgery because I have pretty much no breast tissue. I found this wonderful forum where women who have had this procedure(and others) or want it get together and share advice, ask and answer questions, and support eachother. One of the general consensuses on this site is that the mojority of the people who have a problem with plastic surgery are people who really want it themselves but aren't in a position in their lives to have it done. So they lash out at anyone who is/has plastic surgery because of the jealousy. By no means is this everyone, and I'm sure plenty of people really do dislike it entirely. Actually I have this "friend" who when she found out about my plans, was just the meanest most discouraging person towards me, but now that she realizes I'm going to do it, she is now looking into it as well! Another extremely common point is that these women don't get surgery for nyone but themselves. To feel better about their bodies. To finally put to rest all those negative feelings about their bodies. And hey, if their man enjoys them too, added benefits!!
ReplyDeleteI really don't think you're being to harsh. You could take is further and say that these people should never ever wear makeup, cut or style their hair, paint their nails, etc. People do these things to feel good about themselves and enhance their self confidence. Some women with small breasts are extrememly self conscious about it. It may be a more drastic(and expensive) change than putting on some makeup and getting a hair cut, but the idea we want to achieve is the same. So who are we to judge what makes another feel good about themselves? If anything we should be applauding them for making the decision to be happy with themselves and their bodies. God knows how few women in today's society are 100% truely happy with everything about themselves.
If anyone wants to check out the web forum, it's www.justbreastimplants.com/forum