Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Wrath of Zander

How is it that one adorable little child can create such an awful screeching sound?

Yes, I'm talking about Zander.

I love my little chunky man to death, but when he cries, he screams. He also refuses to stop unless you pick him up. Yes I understand he probably just wants to be held, but I'll feed him, change him and play for a little while then unfortunately I need to do something else. Sometimes I need to clean, do dishes, workout, blog, plan our wedding, shower, cook or play with Corvin. Zander doesn't want me to do any of these things. I MUST give him ALL of my attention or else he's going to scream from the second I put him down 'til the moment I pick him back up.


This is the current tune to which I am writing my blog to. I feel like a bad mommy, but I'd be just as bad for picking him up when I know he just wants attention. Unfortunately, he has to get used to mommy not holding him every second he's awake (and sleeping). I wish there was something I could do to make him happy while I'm not holding him. Sometimes the bumbo satisfies him for around 15 minutes, which doesn't even give me enough time to work out. other times, he's content with laying on the floor watching TV or watching Corvin play. That lasts for about 8 minutes, which gives me enough time to....what am I talking about that only gives me enough to go pee 8 times in a row..

This is the point in a baby's life where they act like this though. Corvin acted similar to when he was around 3 months old, but he didn't scream the way Zander screams.

Ugh, I think I need to get some Tylenol and give in to my little sweet pea.

Advice? Post a comment on my Facebook link or a comment under this blog.

Until tomorrow!
♥ Taber

1 comment:

  1. If your dishwasher works and you don't mind running it unnecessarily, You could try placing him in front of it and run a cycle. When my son was at that stage and I was at the point that day where I just had to get some stuff done, I would do this and it worked as an insta-calm. Something about the rushing water sounds is very soothing to babies. Or maybe my son was unique lol but it's worth a shot!
