Friday, January 6, 2012

I Can See Clearly Now...

My glasses have arrived! It's nice to be able to see everything again, but I must admit I'm a little embarrassed. Not because I have glasses, but I've looked at some of the old photos I've edited without my glasses. Now I see what some people were talking about when I asked for advice. Not with colors or being too light/dark, but with how soft the picture looked (I couldn't tell because to my stupid eyes it looked pretty 'sharp') and I missed little details I wouldn't normally miss. So it'll be nice to be able to edit pictures correctly!

Anyway, I'm writing this a little earlier than usual, mostly because Zander is super super passed out. This never happens so I figured I should take advantage of the situation while I can! :)

In toddler news, Corvin has learned how to say "cow" - kind of. It sort of sounds like "go" but the way he moves his mouth I know he's trying to say "cow" :) Too cute. Last night we video chatted with his Auntie Angie (Allyn's sister) and he told her all of his new words and showed her how he knows lots of things like hair, cheek, nose, ect. He got a little distracted in the process though, he thinks mommy's glasses are a toy! Silly little man of mine :)

Yesterday, I read and posted an article to my Facebook page that I'd like to share again, as it has me really thinking. It's about the top 5 regrets people have when they're about to pass away. Allyn and I started talking about it more, and part of us would really like to live in another country for a little while. He has dual citizenship seeing as he was born in Germany, so we thought maybe we could go there sometime in the near-ish future. I just don't want to look back on my life one day and think, I wish I would've done that. I want to look back and think, I'm SO glad I did that while I had the chance! You know? I know it sounds completely nuts to just pack your bags and move across the world, but I think it would be a very eye opening experience. We'll see where the yellow brick road of life takes us though :)

Oh geeze...Zander just woke up and is NOT happy! Time for me to go! Once I take care of him I'm probably going to do day 2 of Insanity. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that again! haha. I just have to keep thinking about a quote that was posted in a group I'm in on Facebook...

True Story!

Here's my edited photo for the day! This is a picture of Zander when he was 1 week old with his Auntie Angie ♥


  1. I can see it being crazy to pack up and switch countries with two little ones -- but you two are already doing it all on your own. I read that link when you posted it yesterday, and if that's a dream of yours that you may regret someday, good for you two that you're considering it!

  2. Awwww. Cute Tabes LOVE IT! I think thats awesome that you and Allyn talked about moving across the country I think that would be once huge amazing experience:)

  3. So once you got your glasses and saw things you were missing did you decide to wear your glasses full time or are you one of those off and on people? You look super cute wearing your glasses so looking that good you probably should just keep them on. Then you always know where they are also.
