Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh the Insanity!

My. Body. Hurts.

I started Insanity today....well kind of. I did the fit test for Insanity. Does that count? We'll say it does because oh my goodness was I NOT prepared for that! I haven't felt that winded since my 1st day of track my freshman year of high school! Corvin thought it was hilarious at least, haha. He even tried doing some of the moves with me. He put a cute little toddler twist on it though :) Next time I should record him and post it on YouTube and/or Facebook. It's too funny when he does it! Thankfully, Zander stayed asleep for about 17 of the 25 minutes it takes to complete the test..or as I like to call it, death. haha.

I decided to take a picture of my "day 1 body." Here it is! This is what my Wii Fit says is 135.4 pounds!

I'll try to post a new picture every few weeks to keep you all posted on my progress :)

Yesterday, a friend of ours asked me to pick up her daughter from day care and watch her at her place until she got home. The thought of that had me running for the fridge to find my wine, but I agreed nonetheless. So I loaded up Corvin and Zander into my mommy mobile and pulled up the very back seat for Ali to sit in. Picking her up from day care was easier than I thought it would be. I left the boys in my SUV/van/whatever it's called and ran in, grabbed her booster seat and loaded her in. The first hour or two was okay. She's 2 1/2 and is pretty self sufficient at this point in her life. She can drink out of a water bottle, get things out of the fridge, tell me if she needs something in relatively clear English and can even go potty on her own. However, she missed her mommy. That's when it started. The chain reaction of crying children as I was trying to cook a quick dinner for everyone. "I WANT MY MOMMY!" soon turned into "LKDLFJOIJDCEDOIFJLEK!!!!" (if you're not sure what that means, I'm not either). Then Corvin was holding onto me with a complete death grip sniffling and crying. Then Zander decided to join the party for no particular reason. So I turned off the stove top, put a cover on the food, put Zander in his car seat and rocked him in it while hugging Corvin and Ali telling them everything was going to be okay. Within 25 minutes they all calmed down. Thank you Little Mermaid for the distracting entertainment.

I never did get my wine... :(
Which reminds me, I need to call Allyn & tell him we're out of my 3rd favorite beverage. haha

Even though watching a 2 1/2 year old, an almost 16 month old and a 2 month old was INSANE, I still want another baby someday. You must think I'm crazy now, huh? I kind of do too :) haha. I definitely want to wait until August/September of 2013 though. Corvin and Zander need to be able to be sufficient enough so I can take care of a newborn and by that time I think they will be. If they're as sufficient as Ali is right now by the time they're around her age, I think it'll be okay. Until then, I am NOT getting pregnant! Ugh...writing about this just reminded me that my doctor never called me back about getting birth control...jerk. haha.

My regular doctor may not be good at calling me back, but my eye doctor is! They called about an hour ago and told me my glasses are all ready to be picked up :) If I don't post a picture tonight, I will tomorrow.

I suppose, I should probably get going. I need to shower, clean a bit, get ready to get my glasses, then come home, do dishes, make dinner and hopefully relax with my beautiful family ♥ Oh the busy life of a busy wife!

Here's my daily edited photo. I took this back in August when I visited my hometown, La Crosse Wisconsin ♥

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