Monday, January 9, 2012

I Just Don't Understand

Heroin. Meth. Oxy. Crack.
What drives a person to do these things?
What happens to them where they think, "I'd like to try this drug and see what happens"?

I just cannot wrap my mind around it. I never have been able to and I don't think I ever will be able to.

Part of this was sparked by some comments I read on Facebook in an album a friend of mine posted called "Internet Celebrities." Basically, he goes onto the La Crosse County (WI) website, finds people in jail he knows or who he thinks look funny and posts their mug shot in this album. After reading the comments on one picture, I learned that this particular fellow was in jail for selling and doing heroin.

I do understand that times are tough and selling heroin was probably good money, but I wonder if this kid ever stopped to think about what he was really doing. I've had a few friends in the past who've been involved with this drug (or other bad ones) and the amount of damage it causes is just catastrophic. This young man may not have thought about it, but he was literally ruining lives. Families were crushed, children were left wondering why mommy or daddy were gone, friends were abandoned and the person who did it will have a stigma around them for quite some time, if not for the rest of their life. It seriously breaks my heart to know that this happens every day. I knew it happened in other places...places like Peoria, the city I live in now. There's a ton of crime here. La Crosse however, I just had higher expectations for that city and it's residents.

I hope by the time Allyn and I move back, drugs like that will be forced out. I'm scared they wont be though. I'm scared my hometown and surrounding areas will be painted with the darkness drugs like that carry with it. I always wonder if there's something I can do to help, but as a stay at home mom with two young boys, I just don't know what I could possibly do besides raise awareness.

If you know someone who's dealing a drug like this, ask them why. Ask them if they ever thought about what they're doing to that city, to those people, to the families and children. They're not just messing up one person's life, but a whole chain of people.

My Hometown - La Crosse, WI

Sorry for such a sad post today guys, but I just felt the need to get this off of my mind.

Until tomorrow,
♥ Taber


  1. Every city you go to there's gonna be drugs. No way around it. It's not like they can force them out because they'll just come back sadly.

  2. Heroin is becoming, if not already, huge in Lacrosse right now. Its coming from Sparta/Tomah areas. "Bath salts" are also big now too, so pathetic. Ruining the town.

  3. I think this internet celebrities facebook is horrible. People just bashing people who are in jail and addiction is a desease. This site is disgusting. Immature. AND USELESS to society.

  4. It doesn't matter to them. I assure you, they will say they don't want their children around it and most of them don't want to be addicts or dealing (which I'd bet most of them deal because they got sucked in as users and it's just one step further in). They just got hooked and can't stop.

    I think it's been going on in La Crosse for a while (granted, heroin is worse since this supper, but if not heroin it'd be another drug), just most people don't want to talk about it. It's everywhere, once you know where to look for it, and I imagine it probably always has.

    Raising awareness is probably one of the best things we can do because everyone thinks "no, it could never happen to someone I care about or to me" -- but I'd bet most people know someone, even if it's just a friend of a friend, who's a current or recovering addict...just no one talks about it so they don't know.

  5. Drugs are already huge in La Crosse, I'd say. I've heard stories of people snorting coke off of their fingers in class @ Central and many, many other crazy stories. If and when we move back to the La Crosse area, there's no chance in hell I'll let Alea go to the public schools in La Crosse. There's just too much trouble she can get into and ahh, it just freaks me out thinking about it!

  6. Not making an argument but I went to private schools and public in la crosse only diffrence for drugs and stuff like that is the private school kids just had more money for drugs and when they got busted there rich parents kept it hush hush so it didn't get out
